After receiving a generous grant from the American Medical Association, Dr Duke Chawla (Bobby Deol) who always gives hope to his patients, proposes to his sweetheart, Pooja (Kangana Ranaut), and they arrange to get married soon. While returning home that night, he meets with an accident and wakes up in the East West Hospital paralce of recovery. Shattered and devastated, he is in for more trauma and shock when he finds out that Pooja will have nothing to do with him anymore. Upset, bitter and in despair, he loses his will to live, refuses to take medicine nor any treatment and awaits death. One day, Roshan (Dwij Yadav) a young boy enters Duke’s life to rekindle the hope again. He starts telling him stories of the world seen outside his window and motivates him to take his medicines and start his physiotherapy. Day by day Duke starts improving and one fine day he realises that Roshan was suffering from terminal cancer and he died leaving a new life for Duke. Vaada Raha I Promise 2009 full Movie Download
After receiving a generous grant from the American Medical Association, Dr Duke Chawla (Bobby Deol) who always gives hope to his patients, proposes to his sweetheart, Pooja (Kangana Ranaut), and they arrange to get married soon. While returning home that night, he meets with an accident and wakes up in the East West Hospital paralce of recovery. Shattered and devastated, he is in for more trauma and shock when he finds out that Pooja will have nothing to do with him anymore. Upset, bitter and in despair, he loses his will to live, refuses to take medicine nor any treatment and awaits death. One day, Roshan (Dwij Yadav) a young boy enters Duke’s life to rekindle the hope again. He starts telling him stories of the world seen outside his window and motivates him to take his medicines and start his physiotherapy. Day by day Duke starts improving and one fine day he realises that Roshan was suffering from terminal cancer and he died leaving a new life for Duke. Vaada Raha I Promise 2009 full Movie Download