Charlie Bucket, a poor paperboy on his way home from school, watches children visit a candy shop, then passes Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, where a mysterious tinker recites the first lines of William Allingham’s poem “The Fairies” and tells Charlie “nobody ever goes in, and nobody ever comes out.” Charlie rushes home to his widowed mother and bedridden grandparents. That night, Charlie tells his Grandpa Joe what the tinker said, and Joe reveals that Wonka had locked the factory up several years earlier because other candy makers, including his rival, Arthur Slugworth, were sending in spies to steal his recipes. Wonka shut down the factory, but resumed selling candy after three years. The gates remained locked and the original workers did not return to their jobs, leaving everyone wondering who had taken their old jobs.Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory 1971 Full Movie Download
Wonka then announces that he has hidden five Golden Tickets in chocolate Wonka Bars. Finders of the tickets will receive a factory tour and a lifetime supply of chocolate. The first four tickets are found by the gluttonous Augustus Gloop from West Germany, the spoiled Veruca Salt whose father has built up his wealth in the English nut business, the gum-chewing Violet Beauregarde from Montana, and the television-obsessed Mike Teevee from Arizona in the United States. As each winner is announced on television, a sinister-looking man then appears and whispers to them, and when Veruca Salt receives her ticket, he is on the scene within seconds in her father’s factory, having been previously seen working there.A subsequent news report reveals the fifth ticket was found in Paraguay by a millionaire casino owner, causing Charlie to lose hope. The next day, Charlie is on his way home from school when he finds money in a gutter and uses it to buy a Wonka Bar; with the change, he buys a regular Wonka Bar for Grandpa Joe. While walking home, Charlie overhears that the millionaire forged the fifth ticket. Charlie opens the Wonka Bar and finds the fifth ticket. Rushing home, he encounters the same man seen whispering to the other winners, who introduces himself as Slugworth and offers a reward for a sample of Wonka’s latest creation, the Everlasting Gobstopper.