A quiet drifter ends up stranded in remote Hayesville, Nevada after his vehicle breaks down when the wheels go over a spike strip in the middle of the road. He is picked up by mechanic Jed Love, who takes him to Willy’s Wonderland, a once-successful abandoned family entertainment center. Owner Tex Macadoo offers him to work as a night shift janitor in exchange for repairing his vehicle. Meanwhile, teenager Liv Hawthorne is handcuffed by her caretaker and Hayesville’s sheriff Eloise Lund due to her previous attempts to set the place on fire. When Lund leaves, Liv’s friends: Chris Muley, Kathy Barnes, Aaron Powers, Bob McDaniel, and Dan Lorraine, come and release her.Willy’s Wonderland Movie Download.
While the Janitor begins his cleaning duties, Tex and Jed leave until the next morning, but not before leaving him locked in the building. The restaurant’s now-withered eight animatronic mascots — Willy Weasel, Arty Alligator, Cammy Chameleon, Ozzie Ostrich, Tito Turtle, Knighty Knight, Gus Gorilla, and Siren Sara — are revealed to be alive and aggresive, ending with Ozzie Ostrich attacking the Janitor. However, in an unexpected plot twist, the Janitor ends up beating Ozzie to death with a mop.
Liv and her friends arrive at Willy’s Wonderland, dousing the walls in gasoline until Liv decides to enter through the vents to get the Janitor out. Simultaneously, the Janitor is attacked by Gus Gorilla in the restrooms; he easily defeats Gus by stomping his face into a urinal, killing him. In the vents, Liv is chased by Arty Alligator but she escapes into a themed room where Siren Sara attacks her. Liv’s screams are heard by both her friends and the Janitor, who come across a still-alive Liv as Sara runs away.
The Janitor ignores Liv’s warnings about the animatronics and refuses to leave the building. Outside, the teens climb to the roof but a fight between Chris and Bob collapses it and everybody falls into the restaurant.