“WTFry” is an entertaining short film revolving around the lives of a film star Shama and a software developer Bashar. While Shama is an absolute firebrand, intelligent and impulsive; on the other hand, Bashar is a simple, straight-forward, minimalist guy. Shama’s world revolves around social media; Bashar lives rooted in reality. As the completely paradoxical worlds of Shama and Bashar collide, the journey of finding true love in an era of superficiality takes its own course.WTFry full Movie Download.
Directed by national award-winning director, Anam Biswas, ‘WTFry’ has been shot within a compellingly short span of four days. This indie film brings out some of the finest performances by Bidya Sinha Mim, Pritom Hasan, Sakib Bin Rashid and Iresh Zaker.Archana Anand, Chief Business Officer, ZEE5 Global, said, “We ‘ve been overwhelmed by the response to our first Bangladeshi Original, Mainkar Chipay, which received rave reviews by not only people in Bangladesh but in other countries as well. I’m now thrilled to announce another Bangla Original WTFry, directed by the very talented Anam Biswas. A quirky, short format film, WTFry is a fun love story about two very different people who come together, and is sure to be very relatable for the younger audiences who are driving Bangladesh’s massive digital growth.
Giving a deeper insight to his OTT debut, director Anam Biswas says, “WTFry brings two contrasting worlds together following an awkward encounter between a suicidal film star Shama, living in a modern social media driven world, and Bashar who hails from the older part of the city where people still believe in living in the moment. The encounter makes them realise the very existence of two different worlds in the same city. WTFry is an honest tale of the current eccentric times when the world happens to live more on the internet and dwell less on the grounds of reality. I am very excited about its release and I look forward to see how the audiences relate to it.