Shy teenager Nick Twisp lives with his mother, Estelle, and her boyfriend, Jerry, in Oakland, California. After selling a faulty car to a group of sailors, Jerry takes Estelle and Nick to a trailer park in Clearlake where Nick meets Sheeni Saunders, a young woman his age, interested in French culture and sharing Nick’s musical taste. Despite her boyfriend, Trent Preston, they become romantically involved. Nick gets a dog for her named Albert (after Albert Camus), but Albert rips up the family’s property and Sheeni’s parents ban it from the house.Youth in Revolt 2009 full Movie Download.
Before Nick returns to Oakland, Sheeni promises to arrange a job in Ukiah for Nick’s father, George, while Nick agrees to get his mother to kick him out so he can return to Sheeni. In Oakland, Nick creates an alter-ego named François Dillinger, a suave, rebellious troublemaker. Immediately after, Jerry dies of a heart attack.
Under François’ influence, Nick mouths off to his mom and her new boyfriend, police officer Lance Wescock. Nick takes Jerry’s Lincoln, and crashes into a restaurant, starting a fire. Lance agrees to lie and report the car stolen in return for living with his father. In Ukiah, Nick phones Sheeni and tells her he blew up “half of Berkeley” to return. Her mother overhears this and ship her to a French boarding school in Santa Cruz, forbidding Nick ever to see her again.Nick befriends Vijay Joshi, and they take Vijay’s grandmother’s car to visit Sheeni. They sneak into Sheeni’s room, Nick meets Bernice in the bathroom, and he claims Trent said terrible things about her. Later, Bernice brings the matron to the room and the boys flee. On the way home, the car dies and Nick calls Mr. Ferguson, his father’s idealist neighbor, to pick them up; telling Ferguson that Vijay is an illegal immigrant whom Nick is trying to “free from persecution”.