The show, directed by Tom McCarthy of Spotlight fame, centers around Eileen Fitzgerald, a respected reporter played by Hilary Swank, whose career takes a hit when her reporting on the proposed new secretary of defense is challenged. She is forced to move to Anchorage to work for her former boss, Stanley Cornik, in a struggling newspaper with a skeleton crew of reporters. Eileen teams up with local journalist Roz Friendly to investigate the murder of indigenous women, a problem that has been largely ignored by the authorities.Alaska Daily Season 1 Download.
While the series draws from familiar elements of past shows, such as Northern Exposure and The Wire, it is inspired by a joint investigation by the Anchorage Daily and ProPublica into the issue of murdered indigenous women. McCarthy’s skill in depicting the slow, shoe-leather aspects of reporting is evident in the two episodes that were available for review, even if the level of specificity seen in his films has been diluted for broadcast television.
The latest television show from director Tom McCarthy, known for his work on the Oscar-winning film Spotlight, follows the story of Eileen Fitzgerald, a respected journalist played by Hilary Swank. The show starts with Eileen’s career taking a hit when her report on the proposed new secretary of defense is challenged. With her employment options dwindling, she has no choice but to move to Anchorage and work for her former boss Stanley Cornik (played by Jeff Perry, known for his work in Scandal).Stanley’s newspaper is a mere shadow of its former self, with a skeleton crew of reporters working out of a strip mall newsroom. Eileen soon teams up with local journalist Roz Friendly, portrayed by Grace Dove, to investigate the murders of indigenous women that have been largely ignored by the authorities.