In 1872, on the day he received a postcard reading “Coward” and an article in the newspaper claimed that the earth could be circumnavigated in 80 days,[2] London eccentric Phileas Fogg bets at the Reform Club with his friend Bellamy for £20,000 that he will do just that. He calculates the day of his return to London on Christmas Eve. The Frenchman Passepartout, waiter of the club and thief, pretends to be his new servant and travels with him. Very soon, initially to Fogg’s reluctance, they are joined on their journey by the budding journalist Abigail Fix, daughter of Fogg’s Reform Club friend Bernard Fortescue. She is using her mother’s maiden name for her writing so as it not to be assessed on the basis of she being his daughter.Around the World in 80 Days Season 1 Download
Bellamy, however, is secretly bankrupt and hopes to pay off his debts with the bet win. He still thinks Phileas is a failure, but to be on the safe side, he hires Mr. Kneedling to stop the progress of the three travelers. Mr. Kneedling uses Passepartout for a short time for his task, as he is always perceived only as a servant. However, Passepartout recognizes Kneedling’s true intentions and supports Phileas. Over time, Phileas, Passepartout and Abigail become friends, and a romantic relationship develops between the latter two.On the way, the trio encounters a variety of obstacles that they have to overcome, but they are getting closer and closer to their goal of circumnavigating the world. In New York City, Phileas meets his old love Estella again, for whom he would even give up the plans. At the last second, they return to London, but believe it is the 81st day. Phileas’ old servant Grayson informs the trio that they have saved a day by traveling east across the time zones. As a result, Phileas arrives at the Reform Club in time and finally wins the bet. Bellamy’s machinations are uncovered and he is expelled from the club. After that there is a hint as to what the second series might be about, adapted from another story by Jules Verne.