In season one, Time Master Rip Hunter goes rogue after the immortal tyrant Vandal Savage conquered Earth and killed his wife and son. Intending to save humanity and avenge his family, Rip recruits a team of superheroes and villains, consisting of Ray Palmer / the Atom, Sara Lance / White Canary, Martin Stein and Jefferson “Jax” Jackson / Firestorm, Kendra Saunders / Hawkgirl, Carter Hall / Hawkman, Leonard Snart / Captain Cold, and Mick Rory / Heat Wave, who venture through time on a stolen time ship, the Waverider, to stop Savage’s rise to power. Meanwhile, the Time Masters send Chronos after Rip for interfering with the timeline.DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 1-7 Download
In season two, following Snart’s sacrifice while defeating the Time Masters, Rip and his recruits, now called “Legends”, continue protecting the timeline from aberrations. They are joined by historian Nate Heywood, who later gains the ability to turn to steel at will, and Justice Society of America member Amaya Jiwe / Vixen, who joins the Legends to pursue Eobard Thawne / Reverse-Flash, a speedster and Barry Allen’s archenemy. After learning of the Spear of Destiny, an ancient artifact that can rewrite reality, Thawne recruits Damien Darhk, Malcolm Merlyn, as well as a time-displaced Snart, from different points in time to form the Legion of Doom. However, after retrieving the Spear, Sara successfully defeats Thawne and restores the Legion to their proper times.DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 Download.
In season three, Rip forms the Time Bureau to replace the Time Masters and fires the Legends for causing anachronisms. When Bureau agent Ava Sharpe is captured, Rip is forced to take the Legends out of retirement. Elsewhere, the demonic entity Mallus forms a cult led by Darhk’s daughter Nora, pursuing the six totems of Zambesi, two of which are wielded by Amaya and near-future hacktivist Zari Tomaz. The Legends, assisted by speedster Wally West, retrieve all the totems and use them to successfully defeat Mallus.