One of the most talked-about television programmes of the past decade is currently building up to its long-awaited series finale. It’s an American import about a white male antihero with a compulsion for crime that tears his family apart. To make matters worse, this family has members in the very same law enforcement organisation that’s out to get him. Breaking Bad? No, I’m talking about Dexter.Dexter Season 1-8 Download.
Not watching Dexter? Well, who can blame you. At this point, the only people still watching are life-hating masochists like me who grimly cling on to each new arid, inert, incident-free episode just because they’ve already sat through seven and a half godforsaken years of this tripe and they feel a wrongheaded sense of duty to discover how it ends. Worse, like me, they may even still harbour a forlorn speckle of hope that Dexter will be able to come up with an ending that feels both satisfying and earned, even though nothing that has happened in the past four years has suggested that this will actually be the case.
Still, four more episodes left. Four more episodes of Dexter Morgan narrating things that we can already see. Four more episodes of Ghost Dad popping up to morosely inform Dexter that murder is wrong. Four more episodes of Deb swearing instead of having a personality, of Dexter being able to access every single piece of information that the Miami police department has – regardless of how classified it is – even though he just works in forensics. Of Angel suddenly marrying and then suddenly divorcing a colleague, or leaving the force to open a taco restaurant and then rejoining the force for no reason and then getting promoted anyway. Of Captain Matthews turning up to work every now and again, even though everyone’s pretty sure he retired a couple of years back. Of nothing exciting happening. Ever.