Family Guy is, season in and season out, the most obnoxious show on broadcast television.I actually hate to say that. Not for fear of overstatement. And not for worry that I might hurt creator Seth MacFarlane’s feelings. Frankly, I’m concerned that if MacFarlane happens to stumble upon this review, he might use it as a publicity snippet, or perhaps print it out and hang it in his office as confirmation of a job well done.Is Family Guy crass? Vulgar? Offensive? Inappropriate? Of course—and those are perhaps the only things Plugged In and MacFarlane would agree on. But MacFarlane’s not looking for my approval, or yours, or anyone else who might long for more family-friendly content on the tube. Family Guy’s not for us.Family Guy Season 1-20 Download.
Mostly, it seems like it’s for folks who just don’t care anymore.The show centers around the Griffin family—a dysfunctional collection of roughly animated beings who live in fictional Quahog, R.I. Peter is the clan patriarch, the titular “family guy” who makes Homer Simpson look like Ward Cleaver. His wife, Lois, and teen children Chris and Meg gamely endure his boozy, uncouth shadow—all while suffering from a variety of neuroses themselves. And then there’s Stewie, a veritable James Bond villain in diapers, who sometimes hurls homoerotic double entendres as he plots to take over the world. Brian, the Griffins’ ultra-rational, anthropomorphic dog, rounds out the family.
We’d like to tell you more about the characters but, honestly, there’s not much else to tell. The family in Family Guy is less a collection of fleshed-out characters than a mishmash of two-dimensional (literally) cutouts used as grist for the show’s one-liners. The gags drive the Griffins, not the other way ’round. Which would be OK … if the gags were actually funny.Oh, Family Guy has its moments, but they’re pretty sparse.