![Baki Hanma [Season 2]](https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185/mHMKMla5q7jThEEqzINPbozMPKe.jpg)
Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov becomes the first man on the Moon in June 1969, causing a rush at NASA for an American moon landing. While blowing off steam at a bar with some friends after the landing, astronaut-in-training Edward Baldwin admits to a reporter, while drunk, that he thinks NASA could’ve done more to put an American on the Moon first. Baldwin is reassigned by Wernher Von Braun from flight duty after his comments become public. A month later, after tensions have risen, Apollo 11 surprisingly crash lands on the Moon and loses contact with NASA, but after more than four hours, Armstrong and Aldrin reestablish contact and announce that they have survived the crash. After the successful landing, Baldwin hopes to be reestablished as an astronaut on Apollo 15 and Gordo’s family also watches the launch at a party. Meanwhile, a Mexican family listening to the launch over a radio escapes their country and crosses the border into the United States.For All Mankind Season 1-2 Download.
The crew of Apollo 11 successfully return from the Moon. Director Wernher von Braun opposes President Nixon’s directive to build a military Moon base. Representative Sandman tells Baldwin that if he publicly criticizes von Braun about the aborted Apollo 10 landing, Nixon will reinstate him as an active astronaut on Apollo 15. Instead, confusing and angering Sandman, Baldwin defends von Braun, but Nixon’s men use his past involvement with the Nazi regime to remove him as Deputy Associate Administrator for Planning. Margo confronts von Braun about his past, and he defends his choices, much to her disappointment. Deke Slayton reinstates Baldwin as commander of Apollo 15 even though he didn’t do what Sandman wanted. During the Apollo 12 mission, as the rocket ship launches, the Soviet Union lands the first woman on the Moon, much to the shock of everybody in flight control.