Nograj (Danish Sait) is a corrupt corporator of a fictitious constituency called DS Nagar along with his faithful assistant Monjunath (Vijay Chendoor), whose MLA, Jagatprabhu F. Kumar, abbreviated JFK (Hanumanthe Gowda), treats corporators as his servants and steals credit for their public achievements. Nograj encounters this firsthand when Nograj repaves a road (at 3 times the actual cost) but JFK takes credit. Intending to take JFK out, Nograj and his fellow OBP corporators orchestrate a garbage collector strike and run a massive parking scam, all to stoke anger against JFK. The resulting public anger causes the president KG Byrappa (Akki Basappa) to refuse to let JFK stand in the upcoming MLA election. Nograj convinces the party secretary Gurudas Bhat (Raghu Ramakoppa) to advocate for his candidacy to the vice president of OBP Michael Narayan (Srinivas Prabhu), but Gurudas also says he needs to be noticed first. To this end, Nograj bribes the electrician Kempaiah to shut off the power grid. Nograj publicly threatens to cut himself if the power is not returned, which leads to restoration of power.Humble Politiciann Nograj Season 1 Download
Arun Patil (Roger Narayan), an honest NRI leading a pharmaceutical startup sees the incompetence of the government and decides to try and change it by running for MLA. Patil actually focuses on implementing solutions to problems instead of stoking hatred. In addition, Patil discovers Nograj is behind a scam that is charging people inflated prices for water from tankers, leading to constant water shortages. However, he refuses to release the information as a normal politician like Nograj himself would. For his main speech, Nograj and Monjunath unsuccessfully break into Patil’s office to steal his manifesto for their own speech. Although Patil’s co-workers ask him to release the footage of Nograj’s break-in, Patil refuses, saying there are more important things for him to focus on. During their speeches, Patil clearly lays out how he could make positive changes in government while Nograj just talks nonsense to paid supporters.Nograj creates controversies to make Patil seem worse. Nograj tails Patil and doctors footage of him helping his wife Rama (Sruthi Hariharan) in a store to claim he had harassed her.