Kohachi Inugami, an occult detective from Tokyo, arrives in a rural village to investigate their rotting livestock corpses. While staying at an inn there, he takes an interest in Kabane Kusaka, a young boy nicknamed “Dorotabo” for his perpetually dirty appearance and stench, and scorned by the rest of the inn, including the inn-keeper and her son Yataro. As Kabane works out in the fields, Inugami learns that the animals, mainly chickens, have had their organs chewed out and these incidents have occurred with regularity every time during the full moon. Inugami then recognises the pendant around Kabane’s neck as a “lifestone” – a type of precious gem – and confirms that he was not an abandoned child like he thought he was. As they prepare to catch the culprit, Kabane is confronted by Yataro, who, jealous of the attention Inugami is devoting to him, steals his necklace, triggering Kabane’s transformation into a ghoul that scares him away.Kemono Jihen Season 1 Download
Inugami explains to a frightened Kabane that he is a hanyo, a child of a human and a ghoul, while reassuring him that he isn’t human either but a bakedanuki. Kabane is the result of humans and Kemono mixing together, whilst the lifestone has been working this whole time to prevent Kabane’s transformation. The culprit is revealed to be a deer ghoul, which Kabane kills with surprising dexterity. Inugami suddenly reveals that his true mission was to kill Kabane, whose identity the inn-keeper knows, and shoots him. Owing to being a ghoul however, Kabane wakes up later to find himself in Tokyo and Inugami welcoming him to his detective agency.Inugami reintroduces himself as “the Kemonoist”, someone who takes care of issues arising between Kemono and humankind in order to maintain coexistence. Kabane is introduced to two other members of the Inugami Strangeness Consulting Agency: a brusque hanyo boy named Shiki Tademaru, and a feminine boy named Akira. Like Kabane, they have Kemono blood flowing through them, with Shiki being the part-Arachne and Akira being a Snow Kemono or yukionna descendant.