What If…? is an American animated anthology series created by A.C. Bradley for the streaming service Disney+, based on the Marvel Comics series of the same name. It is intended to be the fourth television series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) produced by Marvel Studios, and the studio’s first animated series. The series explores alternate timelines in the multiverse that show what would happen if major moments from the MCU films occurred differently. Bradley serves as head writer with Bryan Andrews directing. What If…? Season 1-2 Download
Jeffrey Wright stars as the Watcher, who narrates the series, alongside many MCU film actors reprising their roles. By September 2018, Marvel Studios was developing a number of series for Disney+, with Bradley and Andrews joining by the end of 2018. The series was officially announced in April 2019. Marvel Studios’ head of visual development Ryan Meinerding helped define the series’ cel-shaded animation style, which was designed to reflect the films and take inspiration from classic American illustrators. Animation for the first season is provided by Squeeze, Flying Bark Productions, and Blue Spirit, with Stephan Franck as head of animation.
The first season of What If…? premiered on August 11, 2021, and consists of nine episodes, concluding on October 6. It will be part of Phase Four of the MCU. A second nine-episode season is in development.Following the creation of the multiverse at the end of Loki’s first season finale, What If…? explores the various branching timelines of that multiverse in which major moments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe films occur differently.Following the creation of the multiverse at the end of Loki’s first season finale, What If…? explores the various branching timelines of that multiverse in which major moments from the Marvel Cinematic Universe films occur differently.