Netflix’s latest addition to the extensive Asian Content library, More Than Blue, is originally a remake of the 2009 Korean film of the same name. It was a huge hit when it first came out in theatres, and the series continues in the same vein. This is a romance series about K and Cream, two doomed lovers. It tells a sad love story that spans years. The series necessitates emotional strength and mental energy to keep the viewers involved.Characters K and Cream are the indestructible best friends, we all imagine as the ultimate possible relationship.More Than Blue Season 1 Download
it’s the love we all wish to find. It’s the kind of love story that is both heart-warming and heart-breaking. The plot follows swindling complications in which K and Cream are drawn together by circumstances yet separated by tragic life incidents.The story recognizes that time passes, but the past is nostalgically revisited. It grasps the concept of love. It understands the significance of human relationships and the wonder that love may offer. More Than Blue is a series that celebrates chemistry as a beautiful art form and the complications of profound feelings.When Po-Han and Yi-Chi discover a demo track and fall in love with the tune, they resolve to learn more about copyright. Later, it turns out that the person who sang it has passed away, and the lyricist has not been heard from, in months. There begins the tale of K and Cream.The majority of K and Cream’s story is contained within the pages of a diary, which Po Han and Yi Chi discovered while on the lookout for a lucrative song. K and Cream were both orphans and met in high school. K was abandoned by his mother after his father died of leukemia but left him a sizable inheritance, while Cream’s entire family was killed in a car accident. They become soulmates and move in together.