In 2001, a treasure hunter named Rafael Rios recovers a hidden artifact and sends his family into hiding, before he is killed by a man named Salazar in Mexico. In present day, Rafael’s daughter, Jess, is living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, as a DACA resident, with her friend Tasha, while two other friends, Oren, and Ethan, live nearby. While working at a storage facility, Jess finds Peter Sadusky’s locker, and goes to meet him. Sadusky notices Jess’ necklace, and gives her a letter and photo addressed to his estranged grandson, Liam. While Liam refuses the letter, a woman named Billie sends fake FBI agents to retrieve it, but are unsuccessful. Jess and Tasha decode the photo, and find a puzzle box in Sadusky’s Freemason lodge, which contains a symbol matching Jess’ necklace. Shortly after, Billie contacts Jess and Tasha, revealing that she has Oren hostage. Meanwhile, in Mexico City, Salazar is shown in prison, drawing the same symbol on a piece of paper.National Treasure: Edge of History Season 1 Download.
Jess and Billie agree to meet at the USS Kidd museum gift shop to exchange the box for Oren. Before they go, Jess and Tasha go to the FBI to report Oren’s kidnapping, but Tasha doesn’t want them to use their real names. A new FBI agent, Ross, takes their info, but Jess hesitates and decides not to file the kidnapping report. On the way to the museum, Jess solves the puzzle box, and find that the inside pieces have parts of a map drawn on them.
Jess and Tasha take photos of the map pieces before restoring the box. At the museum gift shop, Jess hides a keychain in the puzzle box, and tries to frame Billie for shoplifting. Unfortunately, she gets away scot-free.