The series follows Peter Parker, a college student at Empire State University who struggles to balance his responsibilities as the hero Spider-Man with the problems of his personal life. Parker must navigate his romantic affections for love interests Felicia Hardy and Mary Jane Watson, maintain his friendship with Harry Osborn, focus on his academic performance as Dr. Curt Connors’ student, and help to support his Aunt May after the death of his Uncle Ben by working as a freelance photographer for the Daily Bugle. The Bugle is owned by loudmouth publisher J. Jonah Jameson, who often uses Parker’s pictures of his alter-ego to discredit and carry out a smear campaign against Spider-Man.Spider-Man Season 1-5 Download.
Parker’s peers at ESU include football star Flash Thompson, popular barista Liz Allan, scientific genius Debra Whitman, and research rival Michael Morbius.As Spider-Man, Parker faces various supervillains that threaten New York City, including criminal masterminds such as the Kingpin and the Hobgoblin, scientific mishaps like Doctor Octopus and the Green Goblin, and the alien symbiotes Venom and Carnage. Spider-Man is occasionally aided in his fight against crime by other superheroes, including the X-Men, the Punisher, Blade, Doctor Strange, Daredevil, Iron Man, Captain America, and the Fantastic Four.A large number of storylines and events from the comics are loosely adapted in the series, such as:
The first episode, “Night of the Lizard”, is loosely based on the comic story “Face-to-Face with… the Lizard!” from The Amazing Spider-Man #6 (November 1963).
The episode “The Spider Slayer” is loosely based on the comic story “Captured By J.Jonah Jameson!” from The Amazing Spider-Man #25 (June 1965), with the subplot of Flash Thompson dressing up as Spider-Man to scare Peter Parker being taken from “Marked for Destruction by Dr. Doom!” from The Amazing Spider-Man #5 (October 1963).
The episode “Return of the Spider Slayer” borrows elements from the comic books including the way Alistair Smythe treated Spider-Man and Jameson in a very similar way to how his father Spencer Smythe treated them in the comic story “24 Hours till Doomsday!” in The Amazing Spider-Man #192 (May 1979).