The Bengal Scam Bima Kando is a thriller series directed by Abhirup Ghosh and stars Rajatava Dutta, Kinjal Nanda, Sonamoni Saha, John Bhattacharya, Debraj Mukherjee and other cast members. The series has 8 episodes, each with a runtime of 25 minutes.The Bengal Scam: Bima Kando Season 1 Download
When I started watching The Bengal Scam Bima Kando too early in the morning, I honestly wasn’t expecting it to be a joke of a thriller. The series has two people who are at the helm of it, and both of these characters, the good guy Samudra and the bad guy Bidyut, are equally stupid in different but weirdly similar ways, and both will make you want to tear your hair out.The Bengal Scam Bima Kando is a series that you sometimes wish did not exist. All of the characters are simply so annoying and unlikeable, and their “special quirks” that are supposed to be funny or something will just leave your skin crawling.For example, Samudra’s quirk is that he never takes anything seriously, leaves jobs at the drop of a hat and tells his nephew that getting a 0 in a chemistry exam is the way to be. He’s a passive-aggressive jerk who likes pushing others around because he’s ‘too cool for school’. Meanwhile, Rajatabha Dutta is a harmonica-playing baddie who constantly gives away free astrology advice.Either way, the acting and characters are so subpar that concentrating on the story becomes a chore. But when you do finally get to the story, it’s just so predictable and goes down such known paths that, honestly, it just does nothing. The series is on-the-nose and tells you exactly what you want to hear, breaks down everything that happens so that you don’t have to think anything – just sit there and listen to some very bad dialogues.