The show’s lead writer and executive producer Pete McTighe opened up about his experience with the supernatural while chatting to HELLO! and other journalists at a recent press event.When asked if he had encountered any other-worldly happenings given his interest in writing about them, Pete replied:The Rising Season 1 Download
“Personally I’ve had a couple of weirds things happen [to me]. One of my best friends died about 11 years ago quite suddenly and I had some weird experiences around that.The series’ director, Ed Lilly, also expressed his beliefs in the paranormal. “I’m open-minded too,” he added. “We have a lot more to understand about human energy. How our energy affects each other and where our energy goes when we pass on.”For those who have yet to catch the drama, it follows Neve Kelly, who wakes up after a night out to discover she has been murdered.Determined to find her killer, Neve sets out to use her supernatural abilities to investigate her death, which proves difficult as she has little to connect her with the living world.As Neve embarks on her journey, she uncovers deep-buried secrets and is forced to re-examine her life as she knew it, including the people she loves the most.Speaking about the decision to have Neve at the centre of the story, Pete said: “We are able to give agency to a character who traditionally would be a dead body on a slab, a person who becomes a plot device and is then robbed of their character in order to serve someone else’s story.”I wanted Neve to be very firmly at the heart of this and for the audience to be with her through all those phases, that initial shock she goes through, the realisation of what’s happened, the impossibility and confusion of that, and the anger that then propels her forward.”