“The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call” is a 2025 South Korean medical drama that premiered on Netflix on January 24, 2025. The series centers on Dr. Baek Gang-hyeok, a brilliant trauma surgeon portrayed by Ju Ji-hoon. Having honed his exceptional surgical skills in conflict zones worldwide, Dr. Baek joins a university hospital’s struggling trauma team. His unorthodox methods and unwavering confidence initially clash with the existing team, but he gradually earns their respect and leads them toward becoming a top-tier trauma unit.The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call Season 1 Download.
The narrative delves into the challenges faced by medical professionals in life-threatening situations, highlighting the tension between financial constraints and patient care. As the trauma team saves more patients, the hospital’s financial deficit deepens, leading to conflicts with hospital administrators focused on cost-cutting. Dr. Baek’s relentless pursuit of excellence often puts him at odds with the bureaucracy, but his dedication to patient care inspires his team to overcome obstacles and save lives.
The ensemble cast includes Choo Young-woo as Yang Jae-won, a smart and pacifist fellow who becomes Dr. Baek’s first disciple; Ha Young as Cheon Jang-mi, a responsible nurse in the trauma center; Yoon Kyung-ho as Han Yoo-rim, a proctologist and professor who watches Dr. Baek closely; and Jung Jae-kwang as Park Kyung-won, a resident in the anesthesiology department. The series is based on the web novel “Trauma Center: Golden Hour” by Hansanleega, which was serialized into a Naver Webtoon in 2019. With its compelling characters and intense medical scenarios, “The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call” offers a gripping portrayal of the sacrifices and ethical dilemmas faced by those in the medical field.